Monday, November 3, 2008

Welcome to my NEW Figure Drawing Site!

You may be wondering what happened. Where's my Figure Drawing website, with all of it's various pages, tutorials, FAQs pages, Modeling Info, etc?
Well, here's the story, (I'll try to make this as concise as possible!). Years ago, like many other people, I was an AOL member, which included the privelege of building free webpages in "Hometown AOL". As a result, over the years, I used those free pages to build up my various websites, including my whole Figure Drawing site. Even after I stopped being a paying AOL member, I was able to retain use of those pages, (pretty cool of them, huh?).
This past month, however, AOL decided to close down the whole "Hometown AOL" operation, and as a result, my Figure Drawing website, save for this blog, ceased to exist.
The good news is, I still have all those pages on my hard drive, so I will be able to rebuild the site somewhere else in the future. And for now, this blog, will enable those who are interested to keep up with my figure drawing work. I'll be posting figure drawings of mine, both old & new, in the weeks to come. Perhaps I'll even just rebuild the whole website right here, on the blog. We'll see. For now, I'm keeping my options open. But thank you, for your interest, and all of your supportive comments!


Anonymous said...

Nice to know your figure drawing site isn't gone. I was wondering what happened when I visited last week and got a message that AOL hometown was no longer there. Hope you can post a lot more of your figure drawings here. I love the Kyle's B & B work, but this is nice to see you draw the full nude males.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your work Greg! I've been a huge fan of Kyle's B'nB for a few years now, and I discovered your figure drawings last year. I'm fascinated with how you use black and white (is it white conte?) on coloured paper - it really sets the mood for some of your pieces. I particularly like the guy you drew on the brown paper in the "Variety is the spice of life" section. I too enjoyed drawing different sized models, and found that drawing quite slim models was a challenge for me.
A question, do you offer any of your pieces for sale?
Keep up the good work! It's great!

Greg Fox said...

Thank you, Chris, those are some sweet comments. I do sell some of my figure drawings, although there are so many not even posted online yet. I hope to get a lot more posted here soon. Let me know, by e-mail, if there are any you're interested in.

Anonymous said...

Is this the same model that's in the "unfinished symphony" drawing?

Greg Fox said...

Yes, Sam, that's the same model, (he's in a number of my other drawings, too). I've drawn him now in about 6 or 7 different drawing sessions over the past several years, so I do have quite a few drawings of him now, many of which haven't been posted yet. But I hope to get some more on here soon. Stay tuned!