Saturday, February 10, 2007

Semi-Clothed vs. Fully Nude

A nice variation on the traditional nude figure is to add a piece of clothing to the mix. Not only does it give a fun alternative to the classic nude we've seen so much, it also gives you a variety of textures to draw. And, in addition, you get to learn more about how clothing hangs on, and is affected by, the various muscles and joints.

If you're in a drawing group, this is something to consider for future meetings. You may want to discuss it with the moderator, or, if you are the moderator, you may want to run it by the whole group, to see how they feel about it. If you have a group that meets for 3 hours, you could possibly have the model pose for 1 or 2 poses semi-clothed. If the group agrees, let the model know in advance that they'll be asked to pose semi-clothed for one or 2 poses. That way, if you have a particular item of clothing in mind for them to wear, they can bring it. It's best that they bring their own, instead of having them wear something you bring for them. They may not feel comfortable putting on someone else's used clothing, (would you?).

Some items to consider having the model wear:
  • Collared dress shirt (as shown in the drawing above): One of my favorites... a collared dress shirt always provides lots of folds and ripples, and can be positioned well to still allow ample viewing of the model's body. It also adds a certain elegance to the figure.
  • Jock strap
  • Socks
  • Tank Top
  • Baseball Cap
  • Sweater
  • Sneakers
You could use one of these items or a combination of them. Or, come up with your own. There are so many options to consider. I was at a drawing group once where the model brought a spiked leather harness to pose in for the last pose of the day! Great to draw, added a lot of intrigue to the drawing, but remember....a detailed item like that can add on a lot more time to the drawing itself, so allow some extra minutes to complete the drawing!


Anonymous said...

I love figure paintings and drawings but I have zero talent (OK, maybe not 0, more like 4 on a scale of 1-10). My solution was to use photoshop and work with nudes as a starting point that I then manipulated. All my work is on old CDs, when I get a chance I'll send you a couple. Since I do not go to classes or have a drawing group, I had no access to models so my work was limited. One day, when I no longer have to work and/or drive the mommy bus, I would love to go back to painting. Keep the blog, I like reading about the thinking process behind the drawings.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if you teach a drawing class anywhere? Please post details, I'd like to sign up, (I am in the New York area).

Greg Fox said...

Gerard, thanks for asking. I'm not currently teaching a figure drawing class, but I would like to at some point. I've been so busy with my comic strip I haven't really pursued it, but if someone made me an offer to teach one somewhere, I would seriously consider it.

Greg Fox said...

Michelle, thank you for your kind words! I hope you will look into finding a local figure drawing group in your area; there are so many around, and something you can attend on & off, whenever you can find the time. It can be very inspiring!